Pomelo Nutrition Facts

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Many people make marmalade with pomelo, some people add it to fish dishes (think about pairing it with swordfish or shrimp), or you can make a marinade or salad dressing with the juice.

If you are using a recipe that calls for grapefruit, you can use pomelo instead.

Allergies and Interactions

Many people who take certain cholesterol-lowering medications (such as Lipitor) avoid grapefruit because it interferes with the effectiveness of the drug. Medical experts at Harvard note that there have only been a few studies on pomelo interactions, but based on that limited information, it is safe to assume that pomelo and pomelo juice act the same as grapefruit and grapefruit juice. For that reason, you may want to avoid this fruit if you are on one of those medications. 

In addition, people with known citrus allergies should avoid pomelo

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Article Sources

  • Pomelo. Natural Medicines Database. Professional Monograph. 2/6/2019

  • Vitamin C. National Institutes of Health Office of Dietary Supplements. Fact Sheet for Professionals.

  • Cirmi, S., Maugeri, A., Ferlazzo, N., Gangemi, S., Calapai, G., Schumacher, U., & Navarra, M. (2017). Anticancer Potential of Citrus Juices and Their Extracts: A Systematic Review of Both Preclinical and Clinical Studies. Frontiers in pharmacology8, 420. doi:10.3389/fphar.2017.00420

  • Mallhi, T. H., Sarriff, A., Adnan, A. S., Khan, Y. H., Qadir, M. I., Hamzah, A. A., & Khan, A. H. (2015). Effect of Fruit/Vegetable-Drug Interactions on CYP450, OATP and p-Glycoprotein: A Systematic Review. Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 14(10), 1927. DOI: 10.4314/tjpr.v14i10.27
