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ES-DMA is a system that selects and counts intact lipoprotein particles in the aerosol phase. Lipoproteins in serum are aerosolized with an electrospray interface including a neutralization source used to apply a known charge distribution to the generated aerosol. Downstream, aerosolized lipoproteins are selected using a differential mobility analyzer (DMA) composed of a drift tube in which lipoproteins, submitted to an electric field ramp at atmospheric pressure, are selected gradually depending on their electrical mobility diameter. The selected lipoproteins are then counted by laser detection in a condensation particle counter [88]. Finally, results are reported as a number size distribution that represents the number of particles counted per cubic centimeter of air at each mobility diameter. Integrating the peaks of interest, i.e. summing all counts on a diameter range, thus provides the particle concentration measured by the system in the aerosol phase. However, the key step for particle number quantification by ES-DMA is the postanalytical processing to further derive this aerosol phase particle concentration into a liquid phase particle concentration, i.e. the concentration in the initial sample. Various approaches have been reported, but to date, debates remain concerning the most adapted method and harmonization of the process have not yet been achieved [86], [89], [90].

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