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LIPOPRINT™ is an example of semiautomated TGE system commercialized by Quantimetrix (Redondo Beach, CA, USA) for lipoprotein separation. The method involves GE kits, either specific to LDL or HDL particles profiling, consisting of ready-to-use 3% precast polyacrylamide gels in individual tubes [38]. Using a cholesterol-specific dye added before electrophoresis, lipoproteins, separated as different bands in the gel, are detected by densitometry to obtain the lipoprotein profile. In addition, because the dye added is cholesterol specific, bands intensity, i.e. the peak area determined by densitometry, is proportional to the relative amount of cholesterol associated with each lipoprotein subclass. This relative amount, when multiplied by the TC concentration, then corresponds to the absolute cholesterol concentration associated with each lipoprotein subclass [38], [39]. The major advantage of this method is that it comes with automated data processing software that posttreats densitometric measurements to determine the relative amounts of the different lipoprotein fractions. However, TC concentrations have to be measured separately with an independent method prior to analyses. Lipoprotein profiles are obtained in less than 3 h and compare well with those obtained by polyacrylamide GGE [38], [40]. The system was actually cleared by the FDA for LDL-C and LDL subfraction cholesterol concentration measurements [41]. The system can additionally measure lipoprotein sizes; however, comparability of the diameters obtained by this technique and by classic GGE was found perfectible [40], [42].

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